Plants require a certain amount of sunlight to thrive. Insufficient sunlight can cause a plant to become weak, leggy, and unable to produce flowers or fruit. Here are a few ways to tell if a plant is receiving sufficient sunlight:
Different plants have different light requirements. Some plants require full sun, while others prefer partial shade. Check the plant's care instructions to determine its light requirements.
Observe the plant's growth and overall condition. A healthy plant receiving sufficient sunlight should have compact growth and sturdy stems. If a plant becomes leggy, with thin stems and large spaces between leaves, it may not be receiving enough sunlight.
Inspect the color of the leaves. Leaves that receive insufficient sunlight can turn pale, yellow, or even white. Plants with yellowing or pale leaves may need more sunlight.
Look for signs of stress: Plants that receive too much sunlight can become stressed and develop scorched or brown leaves. If a plant is showing signs of leaf burn or stress, it may be receiving too much sunlight.
It would be best if you observed where the direction the plant is growing. Plants tend to grow in the direction of sunlight. If a plant is leaning towards a window or light source, it may not receive enough sunlight from its current position.
The best way to determine if a plant is receiving sufficient sunlight is to observe its growth, check the color of its leaves, and monitor any signs of stress.